WebSeries Blog

Gifts For The Holiday Season
Check out my recommendations for great gifts and buys for this holiday season. Here are my top picks from various categories, which include Lifestyle, Fitness, Education, Tech & Software, Credit Cards, and more.

Understanding Healthy Hair Part 1
Understanding Healthy Hair Part 1 allows people to learn the basics of their hair and hair type. Hair textures don’t discriminate based on people’s ethnic backgrounds and can overlap. Learn the basics of how to maintain a healthy scalp and healthy strands by following these steps.

BPerryFilms X Dean College
Finding Your Identity Through The Arts can be challenging but all you need is a level of optimism and realism and trust your instant to preserver through challenges. Dean College and BPerryFilms have partnered with each other to allow its students to get access to resources to help extend their careers outside of the school. The transitional stage from graduating from school can be tough because there is a lot of pressure but this is an alternative to make the transition more simpler

50+ Holiday Gifts For Him & Her
Happy Holidays!!! Time to hit those online stores and get the gifts for your loved ones right from your home. In this article I share 50+ items curated by myself that everyone will love. This list is for both men and women who love to balance their productivity, personal life, and self-care.

Developing Your Strengths
Developing your strengths is made up of 3 major components. Incorporating these three factors determines your level of success. Entrepreneurship isn't a trend it is a lifestyle that few can personally connect to with the passion that is necessary to execute at a high level.

3 Essential Tools For Your Business
3 Essential Tools that will take your business to the next level. These tools are Google Workspace, Canva, and Metricool. Find out how these tools can make your life more simpler and more efficient.

Accountability can be broken down internally and externally but we are responsible for our own reactions to obstacles that challenge us. The time is now stop waiting until later.

3 Reasons Why Your Business Will Fail
There are 3 main reasons why many small businesses fail and how that can change. It’s all about accountability and maximizing the resources around you. BPerryFilms is a all and on platform that helps teach fundamental skills such as coaching, courses, memberships and marketing services

How To Deal With Procrastination
Procrastination affects everyone differently but here are some coping strategies to help you get back on track. Taking on opportunities and staying organized will help you achieve anything that you manifest in life as long as it's realistic.

Coaching vs Mentoring
There are so many avenues when it comes to seeking assistance . In this article I hope this will help everyone find out which method of coaching is best for them.

Product Vs Service Based Businesses
In this article I will give you the full rundown of how product based businesses and service based businesses work and even share some tips on digital products.

Managing Burnout
Burnout is impossible to avoid but it is how we push through it is the test. Burnout is a longterm form of stress that accumulates over time.

How To Grow On YouTube Organically
In this video you will learn about the process of starting a Youtube to help build your personal or business brand. The key to growing is by starting something that you may feel uncomfortable with. Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine that host 2 Billion users worldwide. Here are some tips I've learned over the course of the year

First Year In My Business BPerryFilms
Many people ask how do they start a business and the answer is by starting and putting the skills you have into play. Starting and running a business in the beginning can be hard so I will be sharing some of my tips that I learned over the past year.

Running A Business During A Pandemic
Starting a business is tough. Starting and running a Company or Organization is even harder during a Pandemic. Its true the unexpected happened, Covid-19 hit everyone by storm and took the majority of the world out of business. This pandemic had left many households unemployed and with no income coming in outside of stimulus checks.

Goal Setting & Vision Boards
Many people have set goals for themselves but never seem to take action. In this post I will walk you through my outline of how to take that idea and turn it into results.