How To Deal With Procrastination

On Episode 25 of BPerryFilms I go into detail about procrastination and how it effects people in negative ways. It is up to us to shake it out of our system and create opportunities to stay focus and reach our goals no matter how big or small they are. It is all about habit tracking.

Procrastination is when someone is having a delay to a response and not performing a certain task. 

What Causes Procrastination?

Reason 1: Lack Of Motivation

  • Someone is not in the mood to perform certain tasks at the moment

  • The person feels like a certain task or duty isn't a priority feeling as though they have more time to perform.

Reason 2: Feeling Like Your In Your Head

  • Being a perfectionist feels like you are not good enough.

  • Spend more time revising your work which eats up more time that you pay not have

  • Feeling like your not an expert in your field of chose or what you are trying to perform

Coping With Procrastination

Strategy 1: Using A Planner

  • Using a agenda to keep you on task (Digital or Paper)

  • Implementing SMART Goals sheet

  • Turn your goal sheet into a vision board to visualize what your manifesting your future

  • Outweighing the pros and cons of each duty that your trying to perform

Strategy 2: Building Habits That Stick

  • Creating a habit sheet that helps you monitor your performance (Takes 22 to 30 days to build a new habit)

  • Journaling and writing things down so you can remember what your doing and how your feeling

  • Figuring out what your good at whether it is your passion or niche

Strategy 3: Finding Resources

  • Looking into books and articles for information

  • Finding a coach or a mentor in your niche

  • Having the support you need from your friends and family

Real Examples From BPerryFilms Services:

Client 1:

A long time subscriber from the BPerryFilms Community reached out to me about some of the videos I created. She wanted to know if there was a way to get more information to tailor for when she starts her business. She said that she does hair on the side and wants to get registered by the end of the year. I told her to join some of my webinars and it is more niche and more full in-depth in topics that I discuss in my videos. My webinars are very niche and help people master a certain skill in a group setting. It is hard core informational with a live Q&A where I can get a feeling of what information that they had gained from the lesson and what areas that they need improvement on. Not only are they hearing my experience, they are learning from other people who are attending the events as well. I then explained if she wanted more personal coaching tailored to her business she could sign up for a 1 on 1.


  • She is a long time subscriber of the BPerryFilms Experience

  • She reached out for assistance and attends all of the Webinars I offer

  • She understood that there were areas with her business that she didn't understand

  • Provided her two different options to gather information

  • She found ways to enhance her experience so more prepared for starting her business

Client 2:

Someone had reached out to me via Instagram who wanted to be featured on the podcast. We spoke on Zoom for about 15 minutes to see if he would be a good fit for my podcast that I hosted on my Youtube Channel BPerryFilms. He explained to me his background and what type of business he ran and he said he has done photography for a while and he is switching over to video creation. He has had experience working with other YouTubers and now he wanted to be in front of the camera. He realized by looking at previous podcast episodes that he felt like he wouldn't be a good match because he felt like they were an expert compared to him.

I told him that it was fine and that he could join in the future once he felt ready. I then offered him an opportunity to book a Discover Call with me and I could help him find his niche and help him tailor his videos to his right ideal audience. He took me up on that offer and said he would be interested in me creating a roadmap offer for him.


  • He reached out and understood his expertise

  • The Client did due diligence to see if he was a good fit

  • He asked and understood the opportunities of what BPerryFilms could offer

  • He didn't back down and didn't get in his head about not being an expert

  • He asked for assistance and hopes to make a major transformation with his business

Sign Up For Business Coaching Here

Sources Cited:

Christian, Lyn. “What Causes Procrastination (and 7 Real Solutions).” SoulSalt, 3 Aug. 2022, 

“Procrastinate Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, 

“Solving Procrastination.” Solving Procrastination,


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