3 Reasons Why Your Business Will Fail

On Episode 27 of BPerryFilms Podcast I get real and transparent about what are some of the reasons why  many small businesses fail in their first year and a half. If you don't act now your business will follow some of the same patterns. By the end of this post you will have some action steps to take that BPerryFilms Services can offer to you. The time is to be aggressive to change bad habits and find habits that stick and optimize positive growth.

Reason 1: Accountability

When most people think of accountability people think about a group of people to get the work done with you. I’ll let you know right now that isnt always the case. There will be time along in your journey especially in the beginning where you wont have people around you to help manage what you're dealing with. This could turn into self doubt and cause negative impact. If you do not start anything you will not have any results. You will be in the same spot or even worse someone else takes your spot and maybe do it better than what you could’ve. This tends to be a pattern for many Creators, Ceos and Business Owners.

When we also think about accountability we think about how far we can reach. There are so many methods of communication now that it feels overwhelming. There are platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Twitch, and much more. I remember having a conversation with someone and they said how they were on 10 different platforms and I told them it comes off being unorganized and wearing yourself thin. Find 2 to 3 platforms and learn how those work. When you have less platforms to worry about the more engaged you can be with your audience. People forget the most effective way of communication and that's the power of word of mouth. You refer to someone, that person refers to someone else, they tell someone else and it has a ripple effect.

Accountability partners have their pros and cons but there should be a clear message of communication involved to make sure both parties have an objective that they are trying to achieve. Sometimes people become too reliant on that one or group of people and they forget that they have to contribute something too. Usually when you form these groups of relationships someone offers a special skill that someone else lacks. Key component is productivity and time management.

Reason 2: Not Investing In Resources

Many people from different communities in ethic groups say that they lack resources but are people truly investing in educational resources vs short term gains. People say that they are handicapped in their environment but they don't invest in things to help them to escape from their experiences. You would be amazed how much education has a big impact on how you can accelerate your growth. Education is one of the most powerful weapons that someone can hold. I am not saying you have to go to college or a university to be successful but you will be amazed by how much access you will have in your grasp if you put effort behind what you stand for. If 2 to 4 years of education is too much to ask for, invest in a mini course or flagship course to help you master a certain skill. This could be Starting A Business, How To Become A Chief, How To Grow On Social Media, How To Master The Basketball Court and more. There are many resources around you that you can invest into. 

Stop thinking everything is a scam when someone asks you for money for their services. Many people wonder why people charge for their services such as courses and webinars ranging from $20 to $1,000+. People have to remember how much work goes on behind the scenes of what goes into to get these services done for you. You are paying for an experience and skills that they have mastered and put it into a digestible form of content so you can use it and apply it in your routine. You’d be amazed how many people who don't make it past Module 1 in a self paced course. There's a trend now where many course creators are starting Cohorts because they seem to have the most engagement and have access to the instructor. Students have to remember that it's an even exchange if not more that participants need to digest the content and apply these skills in real time. When people pay for something they are more invested. When options are free it is easy to walk away because there isn't that accountability to the commitment.

Reason 3: Representation

Many people consider representation as someone who looks like themselves and has experienced the same journey as them if not similar. Sometimes you have to make that push on your own and become that representation that you are striving for. This helps motivate those around you to apply themselves to achieving goals that they thought was impossible and make them possible. Business and opportunity is all about taking risks and applying yourself. We have to get rid of that mentality of being selfish and become selfless when it comes to self development. 


In order to succeed in your business you need to challenge your mindset and become that leader that you strive to become. In my course “Creating An Effective Business Plan” we talked about what makes something a SMART Goal and how we can apply it to our regular routine. We talked about how accountability equals opportunities. The importance of investing in yourself when it comes to informing yourself about your industry and researching the market. When you invest in education you are giving a face to the representation that you thought didn't exist. Goals aren't always achievable as quickly as you have hope but thats the fun in that. Be specific about what you want to do and where you strive to be and make sure it's truly attainable. This take time so make sure you measure it out with sub-task that help you reach those small wins that we call milestones.

How BPerryFilms Can Help?:

BPerryFilms offers marketing services such as Marketing for a fee through podcasting, blog post, and newsletters

Offers Coaching Services for those who are looking to market and scale their business

Courses & Membership Site through The Artistic Creator Academy™ & Creators Space for those who are looking to start their business and need help and guidance through fundamental skills & webinars

Sign Up For A Discovery Call: https://www.bperryfilms.com/book-a-class

Sign Up For BPerryFilms Podcast: https://www.bperryfilms.com/faq

Register For The Artistic Creator Academy™: https://theartisticcreatoracademy.thinkific.com/


Phase 2: Representation


The Artistic Creator Academy™ ToolKit