The BPerryFilms Experience: Social Impact
Welcome to Phase 3 of BPerryFilms!
It's been a long awakening to create this project. BPerryFilms is getting bigger and is expanding its reach. The experience that you get from joining this program is even better. BPerryFilms aims to provide educational resources to help Creators and Businesses build their audience and knowledge through educational tools. This Phase is about Social Impact and brings people from different communities together to help support each other for a particular cause. In school, we learned about racial inequality, financial barriers, and violence shown in specific neighborhoods, but if we tone down the noise, the world would be a better place.
BPerryFilms Podcast:
BPerryFilms first web series is called BPerryFilms Podcast, where I interview a special guest who has a registered business and is in the creative field to come to share their experience through an educational format. There are many podcasters on YouTube, especially now since I started mine. Podcasts are an oversaturated market with many hosts who aren't informed on specific topics they discuss and call themselves experts or gurus. Life isn't about being perfect but about bringing wealth to one another. This podcast is formatted to help bring awareness on tools that people need rather than starting a trend. Many people follow trends because it seems easier and builds your audience faster how ever, podcasts shouldn't be based on the size of the audience but on the quality of work produced. I spoke to a friend of mine and said that you rather have 100 active listeners rather than 1,000 zombies.
Special Announcement: BPerryFilms is expanding its web series catalog and will be exclusive to Instagram and TikTok. Reaching out to a wide range of audience and building a community of intellects is essential to highlight
Social Impact (New Series):
Social Impact is a web series that brings awareness of what is going on around the world. This will be a controversial series that challenges people to think about what is going on in their environment and what is going on in other communities. Having a voice is something that we strive to have but often find ourselves muted because we do not want to offend anyone in some type of way. Being silent only adds more fuel to the fire if we don't bring it to attention. Some topics discussed will include: The Black Experience, Toxic Culture, Stigmas, and Finding Balance From Within.
Grow SMMA (New Series)
Join my SMMA journey as I will provide tips on building a community using social media. Believe it or not, I never used social media until two years ago when I started this company. There are many people on the web advising on how to grow their platforms, but are they growing organically? Probably not. I want to show that it is expected to struggle initially, but the followers you gain follow you for a particular reason. Finding a niche can be challenging. Finding a niche you can monetize with can be even more complicated. Take the time out of your day to find something that excites you and that you are passionate about to share with your online community.
The Artistic Creator Academy™ Database
On the course website, there are some Courses and Memberships that you can join to help build your foundation in the Business Field. I wish there were more programs like this in schools to help students become more efficient as they enter the real world.
Flagship Course: Creating An Effective Business Plan
Learn to write a business plan that will be ready to be registered
Self-paced environment
Learn Entrepreneurial Hacks
Tips to help protect your work
Film Credit for BPerryFilms Projects
Membership: YouTubers Create
Digital Marketing Tips For Creators & Business Owners
Build A Community through Peer Reviews & Accountability Partners
Monthly Live Lessons/ Audits
Group Mentoring
Digital Products:
Black Men In Business: Learn about the Black Male Experience through a psychological lens and how you can support the community
StoryTelling Through Your Website: Learn how to make an engaging website that narrates your vision for your company to your potential audience
Documenting Your Brand Using Video: A introduction to digital marketing and how it is essential in today's market
Webinars & Speaking Engagements:
BPerryFilms will be hosting both presentations and workshops done virtually and in person to help people learn more efficiently. These topics are very niche regarding marketing and lifestyle content. Topics will be bigger, and there will be more guests being featured. Check the Events Page to find out what events are coming up.
Coaching sessions are available for those seeking advice on Film Techniques, Digital Marketing, Business Development, and Financial Literacy.